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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Welcome A Rainy Day

I was treasure hunting last summer when I came across this lamp at a flea market in LaGrange. It was the first decoration I bought for my house. I like to brag about the fact that I paid just $2.00 for it. Unfortunately, the lamp didn't survive my Birthday party at the Hideaway, and I've been on a mission to recreate the lamp for $2.00 or less.

I had a lamp that I bought at IKEA last summer that also broke, but I've been holding on to it for the sake of salvaging it's parts in "Operation Duplicate Jar Lamp,"! I now had the electrical elements for the jar lamp, and the shade, all I needed the jar...for $2.00, or less. Less it was! My Aunt and Uncle were cleaning out their barn last weekend and I happened to be swinging by to return a suitcase I had borrowed for Spring Break. That's when I came across an old malted milk jar. Hooray! Free! I took it home and assembled the lamp using rope that I had left over from my bathroom mirror (see pics below), to hide my electrical work as well as a hot glue gun.

Cottage Tip- Wrap it in rope for a nautical feel. This mirror was in the bathroom when I bought the cottage, using a hot glue gun, I just wrapped it in rope that I bought at Wal-Mart.

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